Monday, September 17, 2012

Connecting With Friends & Family

Sept 5 - 17th

Our stay in Myrtle Beach has been fun.  We love reconnecting with friends & family and seeing how much things have changed since the last visit.   Both our mom's are doing well.  Mom has fully recovered from her surgery in May.  At 95 Mama Hills is still ticking right along.

There was some sadness on this visit as well.  My Aunt passed away.  I was able to attend the services and reconnect with many cousins that I haven't seen in years.  The funeral services were held at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Georgetown, SC.  The church was built in 1901.  I remember taking my first communion at St. Mary's.  My mother and father were married there.  So many memories...

We will be leaving Myrtle Beach tomorrow and after a brief visit with my sister in Darlington, we'll head south to Florida.

Blow Outs Cause A Lot Of Damage!

Sept 4,

After a wonderful weekend at the lake, we packed up and headed to Myrtle Beach on Tuesday.  On the way here we had a blow out on a tire on the trailer and man on man did it rip things up.   No damage to life or limb, but the trailer took a beating.  The fender ripped off and the slide out was bent and much was torn or destroyed under the rig.  It will cost over $2500 to repair.  Thank God we have insurance!  The real bummer in the whole thing is that we'll have to wait for the parts to arrive before the repairs can be done and that will take about 3 weeks.  So..., we may not make it down to Key West as we had hoped.  Such is life...

We are beginning to think there is a jinks to coming to Myrtle Beach.  Somehow we just can't come here and only stay a week or so.

That was then...  We've decided to buy a new rig.  We'd been thinking about it most of the summer and thought we'd do it sometime this winter.  With the damage to the trailer and dealing with the insurance company we decided now is the time.  So we'll be heading down to Tampa Fl toward the end of this week to get our new rig.  It changes our timing a bit, but that's the beauty of this life style.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Fun at Lake Wateree

We are having a great time at Lake Wateree near Camden, SC, especially Molly.  We'll be here all weekend.

Poor Molly.

The girls love the water.
Will doing acrobatics.



Got T on/in a kayak for a brief amount of time.

An egret is a beautiful bird