Friday, May 3, 2013

Arche' Winery and on to Mississippi

We drove a short distance on Monday to Vernon, TX.  Just a spot in the road, but a place to stay for the evening.

On Tuesday we drove on to Arche' Winery in Saint Jo, TX.  (Arche' is pronounced ar -kaye). The trip itself was uneventful, until we got to where we were going.  That's when the adventure began.  T turned off onto a dirt road that leads to the winery.  However, he continued left when the road split. Wrong way Rhonda was at it again.  He needed to go right.  I drove right and met Howard the owner of the winery.  He was on his tractor clearing the field for us to park our rig.  I couldn't get T on the phone so I drove out and down the road T took.  Unfortunately, the road was a narrow road that lead to a dead end.  T couldn't turn around and had to back the rig up hill.  He was amazingly calm and managed to do it without incident.  We found a place where he could pull through someone's driveway and get going back toward the winery.  When he came to the spot where he was to turn into the winery, there was a ditch and he couldn't make the turn.  So... he drove back out to the paved highway and down the road about 1 mile until he found a place where he could turn around and then came back to the winery.   Howard told us once we were setup to come up to the tasting room.  It didn't take us long to get setup and then up to the tasting room we went.  There Howard's wife, Amy, met us with a cheese and fruit plate and we sampled a flight of wines while we visited with Amy and Howard.  They were wonderful hosts and made our visit fun and enjoyable.  Howard has been making wine for thirty years, but didn't do it commercially until about ten or fifteen years ago.  They sold their home in Plano and moved to Saint Jo; started growing grapes and now have this unique little winery.  Click here to to visit their website:

Howard & Amy 

Arche' Winery - Saint Jo, TX

Later in the afternoon, we drove into Saint Jo just to check it out.  It is a very small town and every place was closed that afternoon.  We'd plan to go to "Mel's diner" for lunch the next day.

We had planned to stay another night, but the weather turned bad.  Rain was expected on Wednesday and temperatures were expected to drop into the 30's.  We felt it best to move on before the ground became to wet for us to get the rig out.  Though we were disappointed that we couldn't spend another day with Howard and Amy, we all agreed it made sense to get on the road.

On Wednesday, we drove over to Shreveport, LA and stayed at Barksdale AFB, Fam Camp.  We had called ahead to check on availability and were told they had two sites available.  Finding our way to the base proved a challenge. We drove around in what seemed like circles until we found the main gate. We couldn't enter through the main gate and had to go around to the delivery gate.  Two hours later we got to the Fam Camp and there were no spaces available.  We ended up in "overflow".  The rains came and we called it an early evening.

On Thursday, we headed to Mississippi to visit friends. Where we plan to stay for a few days. We stopped at the Mississippi visiter's center as we entered the state and viewed the "mighty Mississippi".   We are hoping to get down to Gulfport to visit some friends and see a little of the Mississippi coast.
Mississippi River - between Louisiana & Mississippi

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