Thursday, May 29, 2014

So what have we been doing since Jewel Cave?

We have coffee by the fire most mornings and a couple times a week we have a  fire in the evenings.  I even roasted marshmallows one day.  Marshmallows are one thing I can’t resist, so when I roast them I have at least 5 or 6.  Thus the reason I don’t roast them very often.  We often see deer roaming in the park, along with wild turkeys and an abundance of birds.  I’m doing a lot of bird watching.
I do love marshmallows!

The park came alive over the Memorial Day weekend.  Our campground was almost full.  We met lots of people and that made me very happy.  People to talk to!  Almost all of them were from Gillette.  This is a park that locals frequent.  We haven’t had anyone visiting who came from further away  than Rapid City (2 hours).  No matter. It was fun visiting with them all.

On Tuesday, May 28, T & I and the park supervisor, Terry Lee, went over to Pinehaven to “R” Place for dinner.  It is one of the two bar & grills located there.  Everything was fried.  T had a hamburger, which he enjoyed even though it was over cooked.  I ate a catfish sandwich, rather I tried to eat a catfish sandwich.  It was one of the worst catfish anything I have ever had.  I couldn’t  finish it.  Alas, I don’t there there is a “good” place to eat around here, unless it is at home.

"R" Place Bar & Grill

Terry Lee, Park Supervisor, at "R" Place 

Yesterday, May 28, we hosted a “Post Memorial Day” potluck and all the volunteers that have arrived came as well as a few of the park staff.   I had such a great time entertaining and T loved the talking.   
There are two more volunteer couples coming in this week. We will host another potluck in a couple weeks so all the volunteers can get together.   Things have picked up a bit since the weather warmed up.

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