Thursday, July 10, 2014

The last days at Keyhole State Park.

So what did we do the  last two weeks we were at Keyhole State Park?  We've grown closer to the people here. I think one of the best things about the life we live is we get to emerse ourselves in the culture and see how the people in the area live. The folks in this area a good, down to earth people who enjoy the simpler things in life. They value friendship and are warm and caring. I've enjoyed getting to know them. The remoteness and the cold I did not enjoy, but I am glad we had the time here.
Wednesday, June 25
Glo & Kelly
I went into Gillette and met my friend Kelly for lunch and a little girl time. Though Kelly lives here at Keyhole she is new to Gillette. So, who better to show her around than me, the gal who is always checking out the area. I was amazed at how much I knew about where things were and what to see in Gillette. We went to historic downtown Gillette and walked around. T and I were there the week before, but all of the street was torn up. The week I met Kelly only half was in disarray.

Kelly and I found the best coffee shop, Brother's Coffee Co. We sat on a cozy sofa and chatted with Twila and Sara, a couple of the baristas and learned a bit about the shop and the owner. Twila & Sara made the visit so pleasant. Of course I had to meet the owner, Judy, and get a picture.  Judy named the restaurant for her brother. She has his picture on the wall. The walls are covered with pictures of people and places. Makes it feel quite comfortable.

Judy the owner in center, Sara & Twila on each side.

Glo with owner of Cheese House
After leaving Brother's Coffee Co., Kelly and I went to the Gillette Cheese House. Wow what a selection of cheese and meat. Their cheeses come from Wisconsin and South Dakota. I didn't know they made cheese in a South Dakota. I bought some to try and was pleasantly surprised at the quality.

We went to Mufa for lunch. Wonderful meal and the company made it even better. Then to shop at Walmart, of course, since it is truly the only place in town to shop.

Later that day the volunteers and staff got together for a barbecue. They bid us farewell and gave us a couple of neat gifts to remember the park. As always we had a great time. 

Thursday, June 26
I went Kayaking with my friend, Kelly.  Having been here for two months, this was my first time on the water. What a wonderful morning and how magnificent the view of the rocks from the water. My photos were taken with my phone from the kayak so they aren't the best, but you can get a sense of the view. 
Kelly Lee


Ted Davis

June 28
I was up early to meet a group in Sundance to go bird watching. The day started off rather gloomy and cold, but it got sunny after a bit. After birding I went into Sundance to spend a little time at the Wild West Espresso in the hopes of meeting some of the locals. I was rewarded by meeting Ted Davis.  He is a local politician who is running for Representative House District 1. Even though he knew from the get go that I was not local and could not vote for him, he stayed and talked. We had a great discussion about politics and our differing points of view. Ted seemed to be genuine in his passion and open to other viewpoints. I learned a great deal from him about the system of Wyoming politics and the local community.

After my discussion with Ted, I went down the street to a car show and I got to see quite a few old cars. T would have enjoyed it had he been with me. One of the most interesting was an amphibian car.  Earlier I stated I didn't have a photo of the amphibian car.  I found my photo.  
Amphibian Car

June 29
Our last night at Keyhole we went out to dinner with Kelly & Terry Lee and Kelly's daughter Miranda.  We ate at the Buffalo Jump Saloon in Beulah, population 33.  Yes!  The Buffalo Jump is the only good restaurant for miles and a great way to end our stay in Wyoming.
Miranda, Kelly, Glo,T ,Terry

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