Thursday, February 4, 2016

Wrapping up our stay at Fort Huachuca

We've had a great time here at Fort Huachuca, but alas, we have to leave.  The RV park doesn't have a space for us after the 6th of February.  We've decided to head up to Cottonwood to visit with some friends up there for a week.  With any luck there will be room for us at Fort Huachuca after that.

The friends that we made here, Kathy & Steve, Carolyn and Dar, both left earlier this week.  We had a great evening playing Catch Phrase the night before they left.  So many laughs.

Last Sunday, Sammy, Molly & I went for a hike in the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area.

 One of the most important riparian areas in the United States, the San Pedro River runs through the Chihuahuan Desert and the Sonoran Desert in southeastern Arizona. The river’s stretch is home to more than 80 species of mammals, two native species and several introduced species of fish, more than 40 species of amphibians and reptiles, and 100 species of breeding birds. 

Molly got tired after about 2 miles, so she ended up in the backpack.  Sunday was the last warm day we had before the cold, snow and below freezing temps set in.  The forecast if for warmer weather this weekend.

Glo & Molly hiking.

Sammy walking across the San Pedro River

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