Sunday, April 17, 2016

Back in Sierra Vista AZ

We got back to Sierra Vista on the 9th, plenty of time before Kelly's spinal surgery.  She was diagnosed with Cervical Stenosis, a condition that is normally seen in much older people. Kelly was experiencing numbness in her left arm and was in constant pain.

Cervical spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal in the neck. The spinal canal is the open area in the bones (vertebrae) that make up the spinal column. In cervical spinal stenosis, the spinal canal narrows and can squeeze and compress the nerve roots where they leave the spinal cord, or it may compress or damage the spinal cord itself. 
Her surgery was on Wednesday, April 13th.  Her surgery involved the fusion of 4 cervical vertebrae and inserting a plate.  Things went better than expected and she was discharged on Friday.  She is recovering at home and doing wonderfully. 

T & I will be here until Kelly is able to manage things on her own. Then we head up to Phoenix where we begin moving into our house.  Though we will be living in a "stick house" and not living "on the road", we plan to travel several months a year.

For those of you who have followed us on our travels. I hope you've enjoyed my journal and traveling with "The Rolling Hills."

I don't expect to post anything again until at least July, when we will probably head out to who knows where for a few weeks.

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