Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bassfield, New Orleans, Houston

Oct 28 - Nov 6

Time just keeps flying by, here it is almost the middle of November.

We were in Bassfield, MS visiting our friends Chuck & Anita for a week.  As many of you know and some do not, when we are in Bassfield, getting on the Internet is a real challenge and most of the time we just don't try.  It is always great to visit Chuck and Anita though being so far removed from communications can be challenging.  In Bassfield you create your own entertainment.  T had a great time driving a Bob Cat helping Chuck clear the woods behind the house.  He was like a kid playing with a Tonka truck.

The first part of the week, we went over to New Orleans for a couple of days.  Heather was there for a trade show and we got to see her along with taking in a few of the sites.  We had dinner at K Paul's.  Excellent restaurant!

One interesting thing was the Jean Lafitte National Park is located within the French Quarter. Every National Park we've visited up to this one was some what out in the wilderness.  We took a walking tour with a NPS ranger through the French Quarter and a carriage ride to the famous St. Louis Cemetery, which was the first cemetery in New Orleans.  It was at one time twice it's current size.  Due to flooding through the years, many graves had to be moved.
We even went to Cafe Du Monde for beignets and coffee.   We loved everything about New Orleans except the visit to Cafe Du Monde.  The service was awful and the beignets we'd heard so much about were like sopaipillas though not near as good.  The four of us declared not to visit Cafe Du Monde again.  We also had lunch at Bubba Gump's Shrimp Company.   As you can tell New Orleans was about food.  I would definitely go back to New Orleans when I have more time.
Carriage Tour in French Quarter
French Quarter
We left Bassfield on Monday and spent the night outside of Lafayette, LA, in an RV Park called Frog City RV Park. If you were traveling on I-10 and went by the park it would be an okay place to spend the night.  Unfortunately, we were exhausted when we got there so we didn't get out and see anything in the area.

Nov 6

We arrived in Houston, TX and stayed at the All Star RV Resort.  Very pricey and  too close to the freeway.   T napped while I went exploring and found a few off the wall things to see in the 3 hours that I was out.

50 ft Saxophone made out of VW parts
Beer Can House

We had dinner with friends Heidi & Don.  Talked about good times and promised to stop the next time we come through.

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