Saturday, November 24, 2012

Home Sweet Arizona

We arrived at Kartchner Caverns State Park on Thursday afternoon, the 15th.  To say the least we were excited and thrilled to be in Arizona!  Wide open spaces, blue skies and wonderful sunshine.  The temperature is running in the low 70 to mid 70's with cool nights.

We, of course saw Brian, Kelly & Sammy the day we arrived and had Thanksgiving dinner with them.

The day after we arrived they had a volunteer potluck dinner. It was great meeting everyone and enjoying food, fellowship and a few drinks by the fire.  As yet, we haven't made a connection with a few people to have our "5 o'clock" cocktails with, but that will come in time.

Last Sunday we were in class all day to learn how to be "trail guides".  Basically that is how to follow a group and be there to handle emergencies or take someone out of the cave if necessary.  T wasn't thrilled about having to trail, but he got himself trained to drive a tram and he loves that.  We've been here a little over a week and are still trying to get into the swing of things.  There is a great deal to learn and schedules "must be adhered to".  That's a new thing for the both of us.  We haven't been on a schedule in over a year.  I'm even having to wear a watch to be sure I meet the tours on time.  I haven't worn a watch in 10 years!  At the end of the day we are exhausted.  Most of you are thinking, "Working 6 hours! How can you be tired?"  I know it seems crazy.  Remember, we are "old" LOL.

The nearest town, Benson, is about 15 minutes away and it's quite small.  That's also an adjustment.  We are hoping to find a little coffee shop or cafe to visit once a week, like we did up in Maine.  We have the next three days off, so we'll be scouting out the area for a coffee shop, special place to dine and to see  the sites.

Maybe next week I'll have some pictures to post.

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