Friday, January 11, 2013

Kartchner Caverns (December...Jan

Hi there!  I bet y'all thought we'd dropped off the face of the earth.  Not the case.  I've missed not writing about our adventures.

So what have we been doing all these weeks since arriving at Kartchner Caverns?  Our first week was spent getting settled and of course visiting with our granddaughter Sammy.  Second week we spent in class being trained on how to "trail" a tour.  That's the first step in training here.  After our training we were working 4 days a week and trailing tours.  What does one do when one "trails" a  tour?  Well we are the person who tags along at the end of the tour, to make sure everyone keeps up and we take people out of the cave if they get a little anxious or just want out for any reason, or if they faint and need medical assistance, we are the person who coordinates the help.  After a  couple of weeks of that, T put his foot down and said he "signed up to drive a tram and work in maintenance" and he didn't want to be in the cave. So now he drives a tram on the days he works.

I've been to CPR training and then to a weeks training class on how to be an "Interpreter"(tour guide) and have to be mentored a few days before being signed off to lead a tour on my own.  I should be signed off next week.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving & Christmas with Brian & Family.  Went to Phoenix the weekend before Christmas to visit dear friends, Cleo & Richard.

Friends, Della & Grette, visited one weekend and we went over to Tombstone for the afternoon.  Tombstone is the town where the "gun fight at the OK corral" happened.  My friends enjoyed it.  It is something you do once and after that....

We are finally on a regular schedule, started last week.  We'll work 3 days on and 4 off.  With the holidays behind us and a regular schedule we should be able to do some sightseeing in the area.  One thing we had not counted on was "cold weather".  It is NOT suppose to be be cold in Arizona!!!  We've had 2 or 3 days over 2 or 3 weeks of snow and as of yesterday, we are to have temps in the upper teens for 4 days.  That puts a crimp on the outdoor activities.

Being back in Arizona and being "of the age" where you must see your doctor on a regular basis, we are in the process of getting all our checkups, follow ups and any thing else that needs to be taken care of done.  We were in Phoenix before Christmas for part of the scheduled exams and will be going back in February for the rest.  I had cataract surgery yesterday, so I'm a little "off balance" with my vision.  I'll have the second eye done in about a month and then things should be clearer for me.

I hope to be taking pictures and updating the blog on a regular basis again.

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