Monday, August 26, 2013

Carolina Beach Update

Did you feel the earth rock yesterday? I finally got T to go kayaking with me! We went on a sunset tour. What a beautiful time of day to be on the water. We were on the Cape Fear river. Had a chance to see a pelican and an egret up close and personal. The most wonderful thing was that T enjoyed it!  Some of you know I've been trying to get him to go kayaking since last summer. He enjoyed it enough to want to do it again. Alleluia!

The people here at Carolina Beach are friendly.  The merchants appreciate your business and show it. One peculiarity of Carolina Beach is the smell of the water. It smells like sulfur. To say the least we don't drink it. Sometimes the smell is so bad that it's hard to take a shower.

I've been working full time at the marina here, since Aug 15.  Yes, full time. The park had a person quit on them with no notice and they needed help for a couple of weeks. So they hired me. Forty hours a week is a bit tiring but I'm loving the interaction. I get to meet and greet all kinds of boaters and fishermen and fisherwomen. I'm learning a lot about how to fish in salt water. I get to go out and help boaters with fuel and I see all kinds of boats from big yachts to tiny John boats. While at work I have this amazing view of the Cape Fear river and the inlet. What's not to like?!

I'm all about new adventures and meeting new people. Keep following me.. You never know what I'll be doing next.

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