Monday, October 28, 2013

Wrap Up of Our Stay At Huntington

It's amazing how fast time flies when you are having fun.  It's been almost two months since we arrived here at Huntington and now it's time to go.  I've loved being close to family and friends, though I didn't see either as much as I would have liked.

From here we head to Orlando for a week at Disney World with Brian and family.  Then on to Sebastian Inlet State Park at Vero Beach, FL.  We'll be hosting there until the end of January 2014.  That is a completely new area for us, so we will be adventuring out a lot.  Stay tuned.
Atalaya Entrance
View of road leaving Atalaya

View of Atalaya from the Ocean side

While here we made new friends and visited old ones.  Rather than detail things I'm just going to post a few pics of the new friends and the places and things we saw while here.

The doc at our friends home in Shallotte, NC

Murphy - at SC Sweet Potato Pageant

Jackie & Jerry from Pomaria, SC

Judy & Phil from Prosperity, SC

Mario & Suzannae & Daphne from Quebec

Benny, Emma & Josslyn

Just relaxing at Huntington

Having fun at Huntington

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