Sunday, March 16, 2014

Tumecula CA

Cleo's daughter, Lisa, is having surgery this week and Cleo was going to be with her. Cleo and I felt a road trip was in order. We had been talking about taking one for years and this was a perfect opportunity. We left Phoenix Saturday morning and had a great drive with lots of conversation on our way to Tumecula.
If you have never been to Tumecula, it is a beautiful little town in the heart of wine country. Of course being in wine country we have had to drink lots of wine since arriving. Old Town Tumecula was a stopping off point for "many Butterfield stagecoaches in the early 1900's. Later the California Southern Railroad had a shipping line through Tumecula until the 1930's.  The town has done a great job of restoring and keeping the essence of small town Tumecula. 

We spent part of the day, Monday, wandering in and out of some of the quaint stores, such as The Farmer's Wife, tumeculas Olive Oil Company, several antique stores. We had breakfast at Swing Inn which has been a local eatery since 1859. Great food and wonderful service. 

Later in the day we visited the Leaness Cellars winery where we enjoyed some outstanding wines and whiled away the afternoon. 

I would recommend a trip to the Tumecula area and the Leaness Cellars to any of you who want to see  California in a beautiful light. 

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