Sunday, May 10, 2015

Arizona, Wedding, Charleston

April 9th, we flew to Arizona for a couple of weeks.  We enjoyed visiting friends and getting the annual doctors appointments out of the way.

I planned a quick "happy hour" for the brunch club and I was thrilled that everyone was able to make it.  I am so blessed to have friends who care enough to come out whenever I happen to come into town.

While there Cleo, T & I visited the Musical Instrument Museum.  It was amazing!  We were there 4 hours and didn't see it all. Though there are other musical instrument museums in the world, this one is the only one in the world that has displays for music from all over the world.  There were instruments I'd never heard of.  There is an area where you can play the instruments.  I had fun with the drums, though I don't remember what part of the world they were from.
Cleo & T

Glo & drums

Also while there, we had the opportunity to see our daughter-in-law, Kelly, compete in an NPC Bikini Competition in Mesa, AZ.  Kelly was awesome and she placed in the top 4 in two events.

Even more fun was spending a day with Sammy at the Build a Bear Workshop.  We didn't spoil her at all.
We got back to Florence/Darlington April 23rd, and hitched up the rig and headed to Charleston for my nephew, Daniel's, wedding.  He was married in the Citadel Chapel.  It was a beautiful wedding.  Unfortunately it was raining, but no matter Daniel and Rachel are married and we all had a wonderful time at the reception.

We stayed at the Charleston AFB RV Park.  My friend Angie flew in on Sunday and we spent the next 9 days touring Charleston.  I've been asked many times over the past 3 years, "Of all the places you've visited, what is your favorite place?"  Now I know.  Charleston, SC.  I've been there more times than I can count.  I've walked the historic district every time I've been there and yet I love it each and every time.  Angie had never been to Charleston so it was extra special for her.  We went on a harbor tour and though the sights were beautiful, it was windy and cold. I've posted several pictures of what we saw on the tour.
Glo & Angie , just before boarding the Harbor Tour

Ravenel Bridge- the 3rd longest cable stayed bridge in the Western Hemisphere
approximately 3 1/2 miles.

Fort Sumter-
First shots of civil war were fired here.

St. Michael’s Church is the oldest church edifice in the City of Charleston, standing on the site of the first Anglican Church built south of Virginia. In the 1680’s a small wooden church, the first in the new town of Charles Town, was built on this spot for the families of the Church of England, and named St. Philip’s. By 1727, the town had grown too large for the small church and a more spacious one was built of brick on Church Street, later destroyed by fire in 1835.
By 1751, St. Philip’s had again proved too small for the increasing population, and another church as authorized by the General Assembly of the Province, to be built on the old site and to be known as St. Michael’s. The cornerstone was laid in 1752 and in 1761 the church was opened for services. Except for the addition of the sacristy in 1883 on the southeast corner, the structure of the building has been little changed.

Angie & Glo having fun outside Page's Okra Grill, Mount Pleasant, SC

View while dining at Fleet Landing, Charleston, SC
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist- Built 1850

Hyman's Seafood

Tour around Charleston SC

Homes around The Battery

Homes around The Battery

On our last day in Charleston we toured Boone Hall, "America's most photographed plantation."  It was an amazing finish to a wonderful week in the Charleston area.
In 1743, the son of Major John Boone planted live oak trees, arranging them in two evenly spaced rows. This spectacular approach to his home symbolizes southern heritage and will take root in your memory for many years to come. It would take two centuries for the massive, moss-draped branches to meet overhead, forming today's natural corridor and a scene that NBC 

Boone Hall

Butterfly in The Garden

Angie & Glo - The Avenue of Oaks

Slave Quarters

One of the most interesting things about our visit to Boone Hall was the "Gullah Girl's" talk.  She taught us a bit about the Gullah history and traditions.
Glo & Angie with "The Gullah Girl"- Mary

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