Saturday, May 23, 2015

Lakeland FL

We arrived in Lakeland on Mother's Day.  We dropped Angie off at her home and setup for a two week stay.  Angie told us it was "hot, hot!" She wasn't kidding.  Hot ant humid!  Temps have been running in the low 90's with 90% humidity.  Give me good ole Phoenix heat any day!

While here, our chair tables bit the dust, so my engineering husband built new ones.

T cutting the table
finished table

On the 18th Angie and I went over to Orlando and enjoyed a hot air balloon ride[Unfortunately, I lost those pictures.] and then over to Mount Dora, a little town known for it's antique shops and quaint inns and such.  We had lunch at the Copacabana Cuban Cafe' and met the owner and had a little fun with him.  Great food!

Angie, Alberto & Glo

Lakeside Inn, in Mout Dora (1883)

May 19th, we had the privilege to welcome home war veterans.  An organization called "Honor Flight" transported almost 100 veterans to Washington, D. C. , and we were on the tarmac salute and cheer them when they returned home.  The organization and the town of Lakeland went all out, with a full band and everything for our heroes.  What a moving and emotional experience!

Honor Flight Network is a non-profit organization created solely to honor America's veterans for all their sacrifices. They transport our heroes to Washington, D.C. to visit and reflect at their memorials.  Top priority is given to the senior veterans - World War II survivors, along with those other veterans who may be terminally ill.
I got to meet a few of the veterans and had my picture taken with Terry Snead who served in the Navy during WWII

Glo with Terry Snead, WWII Navy Veteran

My being such a foodie, of course we dined at several restaurants.  My favorite was the Butterfly Bistro.  It is a quaint little place with a great atmosphere.  Chatting with the owner, Diana, was a pleasant experience.  It was fun to hear how the restaurant came about.

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