Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pemaquid Point Lighthouse & Belfast Harbor

August 2

The fog rolled in early this morning and stayed with us all day.  Not wanting to stay indoors we drove to Pemaquid Point Lighthouse in Bristol, Maine.   We toured the lighthouse, Colonial Pemaquid, the cemetery there and Fort William Henry.  The lighthouse was built in 1827 and is still in operation today.

Colonial Pemaquid dates back to 1607, before the pilgrams came to Plymouth.  Interesting how history changes as one gets older.  Every year historians find "new" old things that change history as we knew/know it.

Though it was foggy, I got a few good pictures.

Pemaquid Lighthouse in the fog.

Pemaquid Lighthouse on a clear day.
Colonial Cemetery

1707 - Angel image at top

Fort William Henry 1692-1696

August 1

The weather was awesome today!  We drove up to Belfast after "work" had lunch at Chases Daily, a vegetarian restaurant that was is so popular that we had to wait 30 minutes to be seated.  It was well worth the wait. Even T enjoyed the meal.  After lunch we went down to the harbor, sat on a bench and ate cookies.  What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon!

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