Monday, August 6, 2012

T the Cellardoor and Enjoying Wine

T is beginning to enjoy wine.  Yesterday he went with me to the Cellerdoor Winery for their wine pairing.  When we arrived, we'd missed the first pairing event, so we went over to the tasting bar and Kathy took the time to explain the wines to T.  T was game and tried 4 wines.  Then when we went to the pairing room, he got to taste 4 more wines and experience how wine and food go together.  He REALLY enjoyed it.  I think it was an eye opener for him.    After which, we bought some lunch and a couple of glasses of wine and sat on the patio out back and enjoyed the calmness of everything.

 Then we wondered down into the field and found a couple of lounge chairs and took a nap. 

We then joined a group back up at the barn for a tour of the winery.  We met the owner Bettina and found out the story behind the Cellardoor logo.

Early in the 20th century, a hopeful traveler stopped at our 200-year-old farm. Upon taking his leave, he carved this symbol on a door in the barn as an invitation to others to discover for themselves what he had found here. Acceptance, cheer, purpose, belonging, welcome — this is what the door mark means. Wherever you find this doormark, you find friends. 

How neat is that?  While on the tour we saw a couple we'd met back in Virginia in June, George & Robin.  They were one of the couples who taught us to play pickleball.

Cellardoor logo

Love Birds

After spending an incredibly relaxing afternoon at the Cellardoor, we took off for a ride around the countryside.  Wouldn't you know, I forgot to put gas in the car and when the light came on telling me I needed gas, T's calmness went away.  We drove for a few miles looking for a gas station, then I decided to ask "Rhonda", the GPS where I could find a gas station.  She told me I was less than a mile away from one.  So off we headed in the direction she sent us.  There was nothing at the spot but open space.  We ask Rhonda again and again she sent us off to nowhere.  After driving almost 30 miles with the light on, T was bouncing his knee trying to maintain calmness and telling me I needed to pay attention to the gas gauge.  I decided to stop asking Rhonda.  I headed into the direction I knew I would find a gas station though it was farther away than I wanted to drive.  Along the way we found a gas station and all was well.  I had 2 gallons of gas left in my car.  I could have driven another 40 miles.  No sweat.  NOT!  Toward the end there I was wondering if I would run out of gas.  Rhonda now has the name Wrong Way Rhonda. Though most of the time she's right on, she can sometimes cause us to drive around aimlessly.

The day ended on a positive note when we met a couple staying in the park and enjoyed some more wine and snacks before calling it a day.

Can life get any better?!!

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