Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Good the be home in Maine

Call me crazy, but I am really glad to be back in Maine with my honey.  The temperatures have been in the low to mid 70's during the day and the mid to upper 50's at night and it hasn't rained since I got home.

Heather came back to Maine with me and of course we had to take her to our favorite places: 

Coffee and scones at The Market Basket

The Market Basket
View from Mount Battie:

T & Heather on top of Mount Battie

Cellardoor Winery:
Cellerdoor Winery

Cellardoor Winery
And Bay Leaf Bistro for Lobster.

Cruising in the Bahamas

So how was my trip to Florida and the Bahamas, you ask?  It was great.  I had the chance to visit with an extended family.  Heather's family adopted T & I about 11 years ago and we've attended several of their family reunions.  The cruise was a family reunion event and I loved getting to know more of the "family".

July 21-26

We left Jacksonville, FL on Carnival Fascination around 4:00 pm on Saturday headed for Half Moon Cay (pronounced key). Sunday was a day at sea, where we just relaxed on the ship, had few drinks, dined in style and played cards until midnight.

Glo, Buck, Gay & Michael

We arrived at Half Moon Cay on Monday and spent part of the day on the island, baking in the heat and humidity.  The sky was clear and the water magnificent.  

Beautiful water fountain

Carnival Fascination off Half Moon Cay

On day 4 we arrived at Nassau and disembarked to take in the sights.  

Tia, Heather & Glo (me)

Heather and I decided to do things a little differently from the rest.  We rented a scooter car and headed for the outer areas of Nassau.  One of us had to ride with the scooter rental guy to go get the scooter car.  Of course me being the crazy woman that I am I jumped on the back of the moped and off we went.  The ride on the back of the moped was both exciting and frightening.  David drove fast and between cars and for a moment or two I wondered if I'd survive the trip.
Glo & David (Scooter rental guy)

Once I got back to Heather with the car we were off and running.  At times it seemed as if we were running.  The car's max speed was 25 miles an hour.  In the Bahamas they drive on the left side of the road.  That made for some exciting moments, when either Heather or I would forget which side we needed to be on.  We drove all around the island and saw beautiful homes and fabulous beaches.  We even saw a home that looked like a light house.

Ocean View @ Nassau
Glo enjoying the water.
Heather & Glo (our Scooter Car) back at the dock, safe and sound.

Of course I had to have a picture with the gorgeous Royal Bahamas Policeman.

Royal Bahamas Policeman

After an exhilarating day of fun and laughter, we boarded the ship and headed back to Jacksonville.  Our last day on ship was spent enjoying the sun, the food and the company and taking pictures.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Slight detour from Maine -Jacksonville, FL

I'm posting from my iPad so I think the posting may be a little off. I left Camden, ME at 3:15am and had no problem getting to the airport in Portland two and a half hours early. Oh well. I miss judged the time. The flight was an hour late leaving Portland and I only had an hour to make my connection in Charlotte. Well! I'm here to tell you God is good! The gate we pulled into in Charlotte was the gate I was to depart from. So after a short delay we were on our way. My friend, Heather, who was to pick me up at the airport missed her flight so when I got to Jacksonville I was on my own. Got a rental car and headed to hotel. Got to hotel and realized I'd forgotten my charger for my phone so had to go buy one. There was a Walmart right behind the hotel. Communicated with a cousin who lives in Madison, FL and she told me I had a cousin in Jacksonville. I made a call and again God is good. My cousin, Bobby,Jr. called another cousin,Celeste, and we all met for drinks and talked about family. I hadn't seen either of my cousins in over 20 years. What a wonderful evening I had. Tomorrow Heather arrives at 9:00am and we depart for the Bahamas around 4:00pm.
Glo, Celeste, Bobby

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Deer Isle, Fish under the car, Screen room!!!

One thing I forgot to mention yesterday when I was writing about my trip to the Cellardoor Winery.  On the way there, we had to drive through an area where a load of fish had been scattered in the highway.  I knew I needed to get the stuff out from under my car ASAP, so when I got home, I went to the self service car wash and sprayed under the car and in the fender wells.

Well this morning, my car reeked of fish!!! Yuk!! The first thing we did was to take the car to the car wash again and spray under it and in the fender wells.  We aren't sure if we got it all.  By tomorrow we'll know.  If it still stinks, I'll be taking it to a full service car wash place to have it detailed. 

After the car wash ordeal we went to our favorite place, "The Market Basket".  We go there about once a week for coffee and a scone.  We sit outside in the sun and people watch while we enjoy one of the best scones around.  After a relaxed morning, we headed back to camp to do our "work".

Right after finishing work, I get a text message from one of my best friends, Heather. The message, "Free 5-day cruise leaves Sat for Bahamas. My roommate has to bail.  Will you come with me?" Being the friend that I am, I couldn't possibly let her go on the cruise without a roommate.  Now could I?   I was thrilled, to say the least.  I booked my flight and will be flying out Friday to Jacksonville. The cruise departs on Saturday.  I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!  I've never been to the Bahamas.  

Back to the activities of today.  We drove to Deer Isle.  An island about 1 1/2 hours away.  The "town" of Deer Isle consisted of one street with 3 galleries, a diner, a book store, the post office, the library and an inn.  I wondered through the galleries while T & Molly sat on a bench.  We then drove around the island, took a few pictures and headed home.

View of Deer Isle

View from Deer Isle

On the way home we stopped at a place called, Tashafer's Take Out.  I took a picture, so we could remember where NOT to go the next time we are in the area.  The fries were over cooked and the BBQ chicken sandwich T had was nothing more than a piece of chicken dipped in BBQ sauce.  It wasn't even cooked in the sauce.  Another dining disappointment.

A place NOT to eat at again.

After fitting the misquotes for six weeks, we finally said, "Enough is enough!"  We bought a screen room.  It's wonderful!!!! We can sit outside and enjoy the evening without the suckers buzzing around our ears and bitting the hell out of us.  Why didn't we do this earlier?  Who knows, but now we'll enjoy the rest of the summer.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cellardoor Wine Tasting

July 17

Bernice & Glo toasting "the good life"
Bernice H. and I went off to check out a place called Cellerdoor Winery in Lincolnville.  What an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon.  You get to choose six wines for tasting and it's free.   Rhonda, the woman pouring the wine, was very helpful at explaining the wines and guided us in picking wines that would be to our liking.  After drinking six "tastes" of wine, I needed a little cheese and fruit and some time to walk around before driving us home.  Of course I didn't go home without a few bottles of wine for later. :)

Bar stool
The Cellerdoor Winery, is on a 68-acre, century-old farm. They restored the beautiful 1790s barn.  The place was fun to wonder through.  It had interesting lines and lots of fun things centered around wine.  All my girlfriends would love it.

View from the wine tasting barn area

Stair case centered around what looks like a giant wine keg.

Kayaking on Lake Megunticook

July 16

Lake Megunticook
I can check another thing off my bucket list!  I finally went kayaking and I LOVED it.  Can't wait to do it again.  I went out with my friend Mary A. and a couple of her friends, Bob & Kathy.  We spent over 5 hours on Lake Megunticook.  What a beautiful lake and the water was perfect.  I'd been told the water here was cold, but I didn't find it so.  After rowing for a couple of hours it felt good to get in the water.  Bob and I took off on our own to explore while Mary & Kathy relaxed on the rocks.  Interestingly enough I found out that Bob is a corporate pilot and flys for ADP.  He was Gary Butler's pilot until Gary retired.  That doesn't mean much to most of you, but my ADP friends know who Gary Butler is/was.  Any how, I thought "What a small world."

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hot, humid and buggy.

I know I shouldn't complain when the rest of the country is suffering under the extreme heat, but....

I'm not used to humidity with high heat.  In Arizona we have heat, but if air is blowing on you, you cool off.  Here it's suffocating. All we did today was our 1 1/2 hours of work and then laid around trying to get the energy to do something.  We finally turned the A/C on for more than 5 minutes and we stayed inside most of the day.  Oh! It isn't just the heat that kept us inside.  The misquotes are nuts.  We cover ourselves with bug repellent and they still attack us and fly around our ears.  It was too much for me, so inside I stayed.  We are expecting another hot day tomorrow.  I know. I know.  It isn't hot by everyone else's standards.  By Monday though we'll be back in the 70's.  I guess I can stand a couple of days of heat, humidity and mosquitoes.

Maybe tomorrow we'll have enough energy to get out and go somewhere.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Acadia NP, Schoodic Peninsula, and Bar Harbor

Thursday, July 12

T & Molly enjoying the view
How many ways can you say, beautiful?  We had another wonderful day driving up to Acadia National Park.  On the way,  we decided to go on up to Schoodic on the chance that we might see some friends that we'd met a week or so ago.  Never having even heard of Schoodic we thought "what the heck?"  Our friends were off galavanting... What would you expect since they are living the same life style we are?

We got to see some spectacular scenery.  After leaving Schoodic we went to Bar Harbor and had a great meal at a place called Cherrystones, one of the best meals we've had since arriving in Maine and our server, Danielle, was a sweetheart.  We plan to go back to Bar Harbor and spend the day there.  It's a fabulous place to explore on foot with lots of interesting things to see.

Schoodic Peninsula
A path in the park
Schoodic Peninsula

View from the top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia NP

T & Glo on Cadillac Mountain
Hope you are enjoying your virtual travels with us.  Bear with me and my photography.  The photos are of various things we saw along the way.  I hope it gives you a since of the area.   I'm trying out new things in the hopes that I'll have better photos for you to view in the future.

Fredrick Point

The happy couple after a meal at Cherrystones.

Clock on Main street in Bar Harbor

Bar Harbor Inn

The Martha Todd Windjammer
unique old building in Bar Harbor

Interesting word work.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Windjammers,fishing and photos

Tuesday, July 10

I've been told the best time to fish is either in the early morning or at dusk.  It so happens that is also the best time for taking photos.  So, I decided to go fishing at dusk and snap a few photos while I was at it.  I keep thinking that if I keep fishing and keep taking photos one of these days I'll get good at both.    This time I caught a small mouth bass that was bigger than the last one.  I threw it back.  I keep hoping I'm going to catch either a "big fish" or enough fish for a meal. 

Saturday, July 7

Had a dinner at a cute little place called Bay Leaf Bistro.  On Saturday nights they offer a Lobster dinner for $12.00.  It was the best meal and the best price I've had since arriving in Camden.  My friend Marry went with me since T doesn't like lobster and the bistro only serves lobster or mac and cheese on Saturday night.  Due to the heat and the bistro not having air conditioning the bistro setup picnic tables outside.  Mary and I sat with a couple from Wisconsin, Vicki and Mike.  After dinner Mary and I drove to Lincolnville beach and I got a few good photos.

Friday, July 6

Ed & Bernice
We started the day with new friends, Ed & Bernice, on their sail boat watching the beginning of the Windjammer race in Rockland harbor.  After which we relaxed had wine, cheese and conversation until it was time to go home.  The windjammer boats were magnificent.  It was awe inspiring to think that some of the windjammers were over 100 years old.

By the end of the day, we were  so relaxed we could hardly stand up.

While on the boat as sea lion swam right up to and under the boat. I got a great photo of it.