Friday, July 20, 2012

Slight detour from Maine -Jacksonville, FL

I'm posting from my iPad so I think the posting may be a little off. I left Camden, ME at 3:15am and had no problem getting to the airport in Portland two and a half hours early. Oh well. I miss judged the time. The flight was an hour late leaving Portland and I only had an hour to make my connection in Charlotte. Well! I'm here to tell you God is good! The gate we pulled into in Charlotte was the gate I was to depart from. So after a short delay we were on our way. My friend, Heather, who was to pick me up at the airport missed her flight so when I got to Jacksonville I was on my own. Got a rental car and headed to hotel. Got to hotel and realized I'd forgotten my charger for my phone so had to go buy one. There was a Walmart right behind the hotel. Communicated with a cousin who lives in Madison, FL and she told me I had a cousin in Jacksonville. I made a call and again God is good. My cousin, Bobby,Jr. called another cousin,Celeste, and we all met for drinks and talked about family. I hadn't seen either of my cousins in over 20 years. What a wonderful evening I had. Tomorrow Heather arrives at 9:00am and we depart for the Bahamas around 4:00pm.
Glo, Celeste, Bobby

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! Please give our love to Heather and her family. I can't wait to hear all about it.
