Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Windjammers,fishing and photos

Tuesday, July 10

I've been told the best time to fish is either in the early morning or at dusk.  It so happens that is also the best time for taking photos.  So, I decided to go fishing at dusk and snap a few photos while I was at it.  I keep thinking that if I keep fishing and keep taking photos one of these days I'll get good at both.    This time I caught a small mouth bass that was bigger than the last one.  I threw it back.  I keep hoping I'm going to catch either a "big fish" or enough fish for a meal. 

Saturday, July 7

Had a dinner at a cute little place called Bay Leaf Bistro.  On Saturday nights they offer a Lobster dinner for $12.00.  It was the best meal and the best price I've had since arriving in Camden.  My friend Marry went with me since T doesn't like lobster and the bistro only serves lobster or mac and cheese on Saturday night.  Due to the heat and the bistro not having air conditioning the bistro setup picnic tables outside.  Mary and I sat with a couple from Wisconsin, Vicki and Mike.  After dinner Mary and I drove to Lincolnville beach and I got a few good photos.

Friday, July 6

Ed & Bernice
We started the day with new friends, Ed & Bernice, on their sail boat watching the beginning of the Windjammer race in Rockland harbor.  After which we relaxed had wine, cheese and conversation until it was time to go home.  The windjammer boats were magnificent.  It was awe inspiring to think that some of the windjammers were over 100 years old.

By the end of the day, we were  so relaxed we could hardly stand up.

While on the boat as sea lion swam right up to and under the boat. I got a great photo of it.

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