Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Kayaking on Lake Megunticook

July 16

Lake Megunticook
I can check another thing off my bucket list!  I finally went kayaking and I LOVED it.  Can't wait to do it again.  I went out with my friend Mary A. and a couple of her friends, Bob & Kathy.  We spent over 5 hours on Lake Megunticook.  What a beautiful lake and the water was perfect.  I'd been told the water here was cold, but I didn't find it so.  After rowing for a couple of hours it felt good to get in the water.  Bob and I took off on our own to explore while Mary & Kathy relaxed on the rocks.  Interestingly enough I found out that Bob is a corporate pilot and flys for ADP.  He was Gary Butler's pilot until Gary retired.  That doesn't mean much to most of you, but my ADP friends know who Gary Butler is/was.  Any how, I thought "What a small world."

1 comment:

  1. It looks absolutely beautiful there! Sounds like a wonderful experience.
