Sunday, July 14, 2013

ITALY - Venice

Tired Hills Clan checking in at Birmingham Airport
We were all up before 5 as the shuttle was picking us up at 5:30 for our trip to airport.  We didn't sleep well the night before as we were all excited about our trip to Italy.  We got to the airport at 6:00 and because we couldn't check in online, due to who knows what, we were all trekking through the airport waiting in this long line and I was wondering if we would get through the lines in time to catch our plane. Every carry on was weighed and tagged "fit to fly". Then off to security. I wasn't thinking I had items too large to pass through security.  Oops facial cleanser and eye makeup remover which I had in checked baggage when we left the US. They were so gracious about it. And of course I set off the alarms when I walked through the "thingy" and had to go thru the body scanner and then be patted down and then be wanded. Now in Europe when they pat you down they aren't bashful about it. I was touched everywhere.  After all that we got settled on the plane for our 3 hr flight to Venice

"S" climbing the spiral stairs to our apartment.
We caught a bus from the Venice airport to the central bus terminal where we met the owner of the apt where we were to stay. We then walked along the canals "just four bridges" and we were there. The apt was wonderful with a blend of modern conveniences and old world charm on the inside and very Venetian on the outside.
Entrance to our glorious apartment

After a brief rest we were off to see the city. What a magnificent place. Outdoor Cafes everywhere you looked and magnificent squares. So tranquil. 
We only had 2 1/2 days in Venice and we wanted to see and do as much as possible.  Lots of little alley ways and of course canals everywhere.  It was amazing one minute you would be in a crowd of people and the next you'd be walking along a quiet alley or canal.

Our morning coffee
Each morning T and I went off to a little cafe for coffee and to people watched. We'd come back to the apartment, rest have a little lunch and then head out to explore. We were out and about 7 to 10 hours every day. will tell the story. 

Plazza San Marco

Gondolas everywhere

Marco Polo lived here.

Rialto Bridge 
Bovolo spiral staircase

Santa Maria del Giglio Church
Loving life on a gondola
 Saturday afternoon we took a tour "overview of Venice" which included a gondola ride. While on the ride we passed a gondola with a man singing. Before getting to Venice  T said he wanted to go on a gondola ride and have the gondolier sing. This was as close a we got.  It worked for us. We had dinner at a little place along the canal. All in all a very romantic afternoon and evening. We wanted to get out after dark and see the city "at night", but after walking 7 to 10 hours a day we were too exhausted to go back out. We don't have the stamina we used to have.
Dinner on a canal 
Hills von Trek family last day in Venice
Sunday morning we were up and at it, off to catch the rain and on to the next adventure, a week in a medieval village.


  1. Italy suits you both! The daily routine sounds like heaven.
    Thanks for sharing so much with us working stiffs.

    1. Yes it does! Lots of walking and relaxing. May go back one day.
