Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sherwood Forest

We left Thomas and family in Carmine Superiore, Italy on the 12th of July and flew back to Birmingham, UK.  Thomas had suggested that we take a few days to rest and relax before heading back to the US.

Our trip back to Birmingham was uneventful and Thomas' suggestion was just what we needed.  I KNOW!  I KNOW!  Those of you reading this are saying, "How can anyone need R&R after such a wonderful 8 days.  If you have been reading this blog you would know.  We walked and walked every day.  I bet we put 50 miles or more on our feet over that period of time.  So we spent the first day back just vegging out at Thomas' home.  Now when we left Birmingham it was a cool 68 degrees.  Not so when we got back.  The temps ran in the 80's and they don't have A/C.  They don't typically need it.  

We drove into Kenilworth one evening to dine at Queen's Castle Restaurant/pub and went out and about for a short distance.  Driving on the left side of the road can be a bit of a challenge.

On the 14th we went to Nottingham and Sherwood Forest.  T had said he wanted to "meet Robin Hood".  Now here we are two Americans with very little experience driving on the left side and having no idea where we are going.  We set the GPS to Nottingham, figuring that would take us to "Robin Hood".  Well Nottingham is just another city.  Don't get me wrong, it has it's charm.  We just weren't interested in seeing another city.  We wanted the forest.  So after driving around Nottingham a bit and realizing this isn't what we wanted to see, we set the GPS to find Sherwood Forest and that it did.  What great day we had!  Only wished we had had Molly with us.  She would have loved the forest.

I'm just going to post a few of the pictures I took.  I think you'll get the sense of how magnificent it is.

The Major Oak
This great tree, weighing 23 tons, with a waistline of 33 feet is over 1150 years old.

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