Saturday, July 13, 2013

More Random Sites in England - Wales, Bath, Birmingham, Burton-on-the-Water, Avebury Henge

One of the places I wanted to see while in the UK was Wales, so off we went.  We piled the kids in the car and packed food for the day.  It was only about 2 hours away.  Two hours doesn't sound like much, but when traveling in the UK, you traverse a lot of windy roads before and after getting on the Motorway (What we would call an Interstate.) and of course there is the need to stop along the way.  There are pull-offs for stopping which have no services and there are "Service Areas".  The Service Areas are something like a mini mall of services and have huge parking lots with tons of people stopped.   

We drove to Cardiff, the capitol of Wales.  What an interesting and diverse city.  There was such a mixture of old and new architecture.  It was cold and windy, but we didn't let it stop us.  We walked along the bay, taking pictures and stopped for a light lunch.

Cardiff Theatre

Bay of Cardiff

Saw the coast, but it was low tide and all we saw was mud.  Ate dinner at Look Out Cafe. T had cawl, a staple of the Welsh diet - lamb & veggies in a stew/soup, a bit gamy from my tastes.

Avebury Henge -
Avebury is a Neolithic henge monument containing three stone circles, around the village of Avebury in Wiltshire, in southwest England.
Avebury Henge

Bourton-on-the-water , the Venice of Cotswald

We visited an Ancient Yew tree that the kids read about.  The tree is estimated to be over 1500 years old.  What fun it was to see how excited they were and for us all to sit inside the tree that one only reads about.

In Bath we saw the famous Bath Abbey, Jane Austen Center and the Circus just to name a few things.  I had tea with Jane Austen and "K" did her juggling act in the Circus yard.

Bath Abbey

Glo with Jane Austen

"K" juggling at the Circus

Birmingham,: Spent the day walking through the city and along the canals. Of course had the obligatory photo with a British Bobby.

Canals of Birmingham

We've seen so much.  There is no way I could catalog all the sites and tell you about our experiences while here in England.  I hope this have given you a little glimpse or our experiences.

Our next adventure was to Italy.  Watch for my next posting.

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