Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Random Accounts Of Happenings While in England

What a grand time we are having seeing new places, trying new foods and walking through old towns, castles and along canals.  Rather than try to lay it out in some semblance of order I'm just going to write about various things and post pictures to go along with the gibberish.

Thomas took a stand up comedy class and we had an evening of stand up comedy when he and his classmates did their routines. Quite enjoyable.  I thought you might enjoy his routine. Click and laugh.

The girls take a wood working class at Elmfield Rudolf Steiner School , in Stourbridge, which was established in 1934 -  It looks like more work than I would enjoy, but they are having a great time making wooden bowls.
Elmfield Rudolf Steiner School

Stratford-upon-Avon- How exciting it was to walk in the place where Shakespeare lived!  To see where he was born and buried.  I only wish we had time to see a play performed in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.

Keep following....
Holy Trinity Church
Shakespeare was married and buried here 
Shakespeare was born in this house.

Royal Shakespeare Company- Stratford-Upon-Avon

Gower Memorial -
Statue of Shakespeare erected in 1888

Glo in front of house where Shakespeare was born

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